All the flowers in the garden
Throughout the year 2020, I will sketch every flower that blooms in my garden - both those I have planted and those commonly called "weeds" - to open our eyes to the diversity and beauty that we have right on our doorsteps.
The project is in progress - prints will follow!
Follow me on Instagram to see the project as it is made!
From top left to bottom right: hyacinth, rockcress, periwinkle, chequered lily, daffodils
Watercolour and pen, ca. 21x30cm, 2020

From top left to bottom right: forget-me-not, cowslip, wood anemone, dandelion, blueberry
Watercolour and pen, ca. 21x30cm, 2020

From top left to bottom right: cucumber, garlic mustard, spruce, common violet, bird cherry
Watercolour and pen, ca. 21x30cm, 2020

From top left to bottom right: veronica, birch, common vetch, geranium, red-berried elder
Watercolour and pen, ca. 21x30cm, 2020

From top left to bottom right: mandevilla, creeping phlox, flowering quince, mountain currant, carnations
Watercolour and pen, ca. 21x30cm, 2020

From top left to bottom right: water avens, woodland strawberry, catnip, buttercup, veronica, tomato
Watercolour and pen, ca. 21x30cm, 2020

From top left to bottom right: spotted hawkweed, wild rose, chives, shrubby cinquefoil, alumroot, windflower, columbine
Watercolour and pen, ca. 21x30cm, 2020